It's A Good Time To Live In Jefferson City

A few months ago, Missy wrote a great blog post on why it’s a good time to live in Jefferson City. The truth is, it was one of our best posts of the year. She was open and honest about the things she loved about our city and I think our followers really appreciated it.

After looking at how well the post did, we both thought this would make a great series! We thought having different locals talk about why they love Jefferson City would be a great way to get different perspectives on what makes this city special.

Ann Bax, President/CPO, of the United Way of Central Missouri was one of the first people both of us thought of asking. Not only is she an amazing woman, but she gets to see how great Jefferson City is from a very unique perspective. So, when we asked her to help us with this post, she didn’t hesitate to say yes.

Check out why Ann Bax thinks it’s a good time to live in Jefferson City.


When I told my college friends from St. Louis and Kansas City that I intended to go back to my hometown, Jefferson City, to find a job and start my next chapter after graduating from college at Southwest Missouri State (SMSU), they did not understand why. Why would I want to do that?

I explained that I love Jefferson City, always have and always will. Maybe it’s because some of my dearest friends were still here. Maybe It’s because my parents still lived here or my husband to-be and his family were here.

But there was more to it than that.

I loved the people.  They are different…and I mean that in a good way!  People here genuinely care about each other.

That is what makes this community special and that is why I made an intentional decision to make this my forever home.

That was then, and I’m not going to say exactly how long ago I made that move back to Jefferson City after graduating from SMSU, but given the fact I’m calling my alma mater SMSU, and it’s been Missouri State University (MSU) for over 14 years, gives you a pretty good idea that it’s been a few years.   


But I never looked back and I never regretted that decision.  And let me say, this city is only getting better. Here are just a few reasons that right now is a good time to be living in Jefferson City…

  • Our city was voted the Most Beautiful Small Town in America.

  • A second new public high school, Capital City High School, is under construction and our existing high school, Jefferson City High School, is being totally renovated. 

  • Our parochial high school, Helias, was recently expanded which includes state of the art Crusader Athletic Complex. 

  • Our beautiful State Capitol is being restored to its former glory.

  • Special Olympics Training for Life Campus is the largest such facility to serve individuals with intellectual disabilities in the United States. 

  • A riverfront Bicentennial Bridge will allow access to a riverfront park on Adrian’s Island along the Missouri River.

  • Also, did I mention BarVino, a really cool new wine bar downtown?!


Wow, and that’s just a fraction of the visible evidence of why it’s a good time to live in JC, MO. In addition to all of these great things that are going on, let me get back to my point that people are what makes me emphatically say that “It’s a Great Time to Live In Jefferson City, MO!”

I love walking through the grocery store or down High Street and saying hello to people I know.  Or, saying hi to people I don’t know and they actually say hello back. 

I love that I have a friend no matter where I go.


I love the way people in our community find ways to determine how they are connected…I used to work with your cousin’s wife’s brother.  

I love the passion of the army of volunteers that roll up their sleeves for the many great causes whether it’s mentoring a child, working at a mobile pantry to feed hungry families, or beautifying our community through Serve Jeff City, a half day of service.

I love that our community sees the value in sharing their hard-earned pay to support their neighbors, friends, and people they will never know through the United Way Campaign and so many other honorable charitable organizations to help address problems they cannot solve alone.


Maybe it’s the Midwest values we hear about, but I think it’s more than that. I think we can call it Jefferson City values. It’s unique and we can claim it as our own. I have seen firsthand that people in our community see a problem or an opportunity and care about it enough to unite forces to make a difference; and because of the size of our city, this can make an impact that causes a beautiful, positive ripple effect.

I love Jefferson City and feel blessed to call it home!

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