It's a Good Time to Live in Jefferson City, MO

Can I get something off my chest?

It’s a damn good time to be living in Jefferson City, MO.

There, I said it.

If you’ve lived here, this might be a viewpoint you’re not used to hearing. If you’re new here, just ignore that last sentence. And, if you’re one of the people I collaborate/work/organize/dream big with during any given week, then you might already be feeling this, but we just haven’t said it out loud to ourselves yet.

BUT TODAY, I’m typing it loudly to let the world know, I’m pretty excited about living in our capital city. It’s time we change our mindset.

In the three years I’ve been a B2B business owner, I’ve spent countless hours learning what numerous movers and shakers have been working on… and I still have so many to meet! Consistently, I am amazed at all the outstanding organizations, events, projects, collaborations, and entrepreneurial endeavors that are taking place. Let me be frank. If the words, “There’s nothing to do here,” have come from your mouth recently… no offense and with all do respect… but neighbor, you are wrong. Now I agree, we do not have much in the nightlife department, but everything else?


  1. Southside Philharmonic Orchestra

  2. Jefferson City Symphony Orchestra

  3. Howard and Smyth

  4. Murphy’s Ford

  5. Five Turn Knot

  6. The Bridge

  7. Dave Baker

  8. Jessy Johnsen Band

Clean, Healthy Living

  1. Love2Nourish

  2. MO Juice

  3. Root Cellar

  4. Studio 573

  5. Training for Life

  6. Pyramid Principal Fitness

  7. Capital City Farmers Market

  8. JC Health Foods

  9. Health, Wellness, & Nutrition Center

  10. High Street Harvest

Adult Sports Leagues

  1. Bocce

  2. Cornhole

  3. Discgolf

  4. Pickleball

  5. Ice Skating

  6. Bowling

  7. Tennis

The amazing thing (and the most difficult part about creating this list) is that this list is no where near complete; I am sure of it.

I even left Economic Development off because I’m not privy to everything that’s going on in that department and it deserves proper representation, but can I just say Training for Life Campus … Stay tuned for more.

Save this list, email it to a friend, bookmark it on your desktop/phone/tablet and refer back to it next time you’re looking for something. I hope you found at least one gem you didn’t know about, that you check it out, and it adds to your quality of life while living here. As my last piece of unsolicited advice… if you’re feeling like we’re lacking… if you want something to exist… CREATE IT. It is just as simple as that. This blog, and many items on these lists, are PROOF.

What did I miss? I know there’s a lot. Leave it in the comments!

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